
Pokok Aji Samat - 'Pokok Berhias'

Pengenalan Pokok Aji Samat
Pokok Aji Samat atau nama saintifiknya Jackiopsis ornata (Wall.) Ridsdale, Blumea 25 (1979)/Jackia Ornata  merupakan sejenis pokok yang terdapat di Malaysia dan negara ASEAN lainnya. Ia dari perkataan Latin bagi 'berhias'. Ia juga dikenali sebagai Nyabau, Seluma, Selumar, Ulin air, dan Ulin paya.

Sumber: Warisan Etnobotani

Daun pokok setinggi 43 m dan panjang 86 cm. Stipules mengelilingi ranting, dengan hujung turus panjang sepanjang sisi. Daun bertentangan, lebat pada hujung ranting, ringkas, berurat ("penni-veined", kasar ("glabrous") sehingga berbulu. Bunga ca. 4 mm diameter, putih ke merah jambu, terletak dalam panicles. Buah ca. 18 mm diameter, hijau-kuning-merah, biji benih bersayap 3.

Sumber: Wikiwand

  • Di kawasan berpaya gambut dara dan hutan dipterocarp bercampur sehingga ketinggian 400 m. 
  • Di kawasan berpaya dan sepanjang sungai. 
  • Di tanah berpasir. 
  • Dalam hutan sekunder biasanya terdapat di kawasan sisi tidak terusik

Digunakan sebagai sumber kayu.

Semenanjung Malaysia, Sumatera, Borneo (keseluruhan pulau).

Sumber rujukan: Jabatan Perhutanan

My Croton Plant Appears To Be Dying

My croton plant appears to be dying. Can I revive it?

Depending on the source of the stress on your plant, there are various things you can do to revive a croton plant. If your plant is not in a well-lit area, try moving it to a spot that gets at least 4-5 hours of sunlight each day. Additionally, ensure that your croton plant is not placed in the path of an especially hot or cold airstream. If neither of these is the reason your croton plant is not thriving, make sure that the plant does not have too much or too little water in its soil. Either one can cause problems in the croton plant. You may also want to take special care to wipe or spray the leaves to get rid of any pests that may be lingering around your plant.

Source: Pinterest

Why is my croton plant losing its leaves?

Croton plants can lose leaves for a number of reasons. Ordinarily, this plant will lose its leaves due to some sort of stress. This stress could come from moving the plant from outdoors to indoors, or vice versa, or an imbalance in essential nutrients. If the plant is just adjusting to a new environment, give it time. After a couple of weeks, it will settle in and begin to grow once again. If you haven’t moved your plant recently, leaf loss could be due to exposure to extreme temperatures, insufficient light, improper watering, or disease/pests.

How do you prune a croton plant?

Croton plants should only be pruned to remove unhealthy portions of the plant or to maintain a certain shape.Dead leaves or branches should be cut back to their origin, but overgrown leaves or branches can be trimmed just above a node or leaf set. Make sure not to remove more than ⅓ of the stem height at one time. Before pruning again, allow more growth.

Croton Plant Care

What temperatures do croton plants tolerate?

Having originated in a tropical climate, croton plants prefer warm conditions. If temperatures drop too far below 55℉, the plant’s leaves may begin to turn brown. Ideally, the croton plant will do best at temperatures of 80℉ or below, as the plant will not thrive in extreme heat.

How often should croton plants be watered?

Again, the croton plant originated in a tropical environment, so it favors a warm, humid environment. The soil in which the croton is planted should remain moist but not constantly wet during spring and summer when the plant is growing. Feel the soil and if it is dry to the touch, it may be time for watering. In a dry environment, the croton may require misting to maintain healthy leaf growth.

Source: Pinterest

Much like with other plants, watering croton plants can be a delicate science. The croton plant requires frequent watering, but be sure not to over-water. Too much water can cause root rot, but too little water can dry the humidity-loving plant out. You can use new croton foliage as an indicator of water needs, as it will begin to wilt when thirsty.

How much light do croton plants need?

Croton plants prefer full sun, but depending on the species, some can tolerate partial shade. The amount of sun that the plant receives will correlate to the intensity of its color. In order to attain full, vibrant color, the plant should remain in good light.

Are croton plants perennial?

Yes, croton plants are perennials. The word ‘perennial’ itself  means “through the years.” A perennial plant like the croton will live through many growing seasons. Even if part of the plant dies (usually during the winter), it will use the same root system to regrow in the spring.

What kind of soil is best for croton plants?

Croton plants grow best in soil that allows for adequate draining while still maintaining enough moisture to foster growth. If the growing medium retains too much water, the plant may become subject to root rot.

The Benefits of Croton Plants?

What are the benefits of croton plants?

At one time, the oil from one species of croton, Croton tiglium, was used medicinally as a purgative. These days, croton plants are used primarily for their aesthetic value. Adding a croton plant brings a burst of color to an otherwise green landscape.

Why are croton plants popular?

Croton plants are popular because of their stunning colors. Many assume that to add color outside of green to a garden, one must add flowers. But that’s not true. Croton plants offer a colorful, non-flower option that can be planted outdoors (if the conditions are right) or indoors to brighten up a room.

Source: Pinterest

How tall does a croton plant get?

Croton plants can grow up to ten feet high, but dwarf varieties exist that are much shorter. Customarily, the croton plant does not exceed three feet in height. The plant is usually very full, however, as the large leaves cluster together to create volume.

Source: Pinterest

What is a Croton Plant?

What is a Croton Plant?

No, it is not a garden staple on the planet Mars. Despite the fact that its name sounds like it came from a space movie, the croton plant, or Codiaeum variegatum, is a perennial evergreen shrub, native to India and Malaysia. The name “croton” comes from a Greek word for tick, as the croton seed resembles a tick in shape. This tropical plant has thick, leathery leaves of varying colors, shapes, and sizes. As it ages, the plant’s color may darken to nearly black.

Source: Pinterest

Different Croton plant varieties

There are many different croton plant varieties. This plant grows in an assortment of shapes and colors including red, orange, purple, pink, yellow, green, and white. Here’s a list of some of our favorite types:

Is the croton plant poisonous?

Though it is not the most poisonous of plant varieties, you should not take a chance and ingest the croton plant. If consumed in large quantities, it can cause abdominal discomfort, vomiting, diarrhea, and other like symptoms. Additionally, the croton plant puts off a sap that can both stain and cause skin irritation.

Source: Pinterest

Can I keep my croton plant indoors?

Croton plants can be planted in containers and kept indoors, but they should be put in a location that receives significant exposure the sunlight. 

Without light, the croton’s colors will fade. A humidifier may be helpful for an indoor croton in the case of a dry interior climate. When kept inside, it is easy for the plant to become dusty. If this happens, you can take the plant outdoors to spray it off or use a wet sponge to remove any dust and pest residue.

Source: Pinterest