
Jasmium Plant

  • Common Name: Jasmium

  • Family: Oleaceae

  • Light: Bigger flowers need plenty of sun

  • Soil: The potting mix must be well-drained. Never use top soil or garden soil for potting to avoid rotting in roots

  • Water: Do not over-fertilize or over water.

Tulsi Plant

  • Common Name: Tulsi

  • Family: Lamiaceae

  • Light: plenty of sun

  • Soil: The potting mix must be well-drained. Never use top soil or garden soil for potting to avoid rotting in roots

  • Water: Do not over-fertilize or over water.

Jackfruit Sapling

  • Common Name: Jackfruit

  • Family: Moraceae

  • Facts: The jackfruit is believed indigenous to the rain forests of the Western Ghats of India.
    It spread early on to other parts of India, southeast Asia, the East Indies and ultimately the Philippines.
    It is often planted in central and eastern Africa and is fairly popular in Brazil and Surinam.

Cycas Revoluta

  • Common Name: Dwarf palm, Fountain Plam, Indoor palm

  • Family: Arecaceae

  • Light: Shade

  • Soil: peat-loam-loosely

  • Water: Maintain Moist.

Spider Plant

  • Common Name: Spider Plant

  • Family: Liliaceae

  • Light: Dracaena is tolerant to low light. It will however do better in bright light.

  • Soil: Check the soil for dryness. Do not allow the soil to dry out totally.

  • Water: Water enough so that the soil is kept moist at all times. It should not be soggy.The water that collects on the coaster too should be removed.

Pink white dendrobium orchid

  • Common Name: Orchid

  • Family: Orchidaceae

  • Types:•Epiphytic Orchids are grown perched high in the trees clinging to branches or in the trunk apex of the tree. They derive their nutrients from the air, rain, and any decaying vegetation, which the roots can contact. Epiphytic Orchids have specialised aerial roots, which have a white spongy layer of cells called velamen. This protects the inner root tissues and absorbs water. These roots will also often dangle free in the atmosphere.
    •Lithophytic Orchids are seen covering the bases and forks of trees or filling crevices in rocks, and absorb a maximum supply of nutrients from decaying mosses.
    •Terrestrial Orchids are seen under the ground, having a symbiotic relation with a special fungus, which in turn supports the orchid with the essential nutrients.

  • Water: Do not over-water

Pink Dendrobium Orchid

  • Common Name: Orchid

  • Family: Orchidaceae

  • Types:•Epiphytic Orchids are grown perched high in the trees clinging to branches or in the trunk apex of the tree. They derive their nutrients from the air, rain, and any decaying vegetation, which the roots can contact. Epiphytic Orchids have specialised aerial roots, which have a white spongy layer of cells called velamen. This protects the inner root tissues and absorbs water. These roots will also often dangle free in the atmosphere.
    •Lithophytic Orchids are seen covering the bases and forks of trees or filling crevices in rocks, and absorb a maximum supply of nutrients from decaying mosses.
    •Terrestrial Orchids are seen under the ground, having a symbiotic relation with a special fungus, which in turn supports the orchid with the essential nutrients.

  • Water: Do not over-water

White Dendrobium Orchid

  • Common Name: Orchid

  • Family: Orchidaceae

  • Types:•Epiphytic Orchids are grown perched high in the trees clinging to branches or in the trunk apex of the tree. They derive their nutrients from the air, rain, and any decaying vegetation, which the roots can contact. Epiphytic Orchids have specialised aerial roots, which have a white spongy layer of cells called velamen. This protects the inner root tissues and absorbs water. These roots will also often dangle free in the atmosphere.
    •Lithophytic Orchids are seen covering the bases and forks of trees or filling crevices in rocks, and absorb a maximum supply of nutrients from decaying mosses.
    •Terrestrial Orchids are seen under the ground, having a symbiotic relation with a special fungus, which in turn supports the orchid with the essential nutrients.

  • Water: Do not over-water

Yellow Dendrobium Orchid

  • Common Name: Orchid

  • Family: Orchidaceae

  • Types:•Epiphytic Orchids are grown perched high in the trees clinging to branches or in the trunk apex of the tree. They derive their nutrients from the air, rain, and any decaying vegetation, which the roots can contact. Epiphytic Orchids have specialised aerial roots, which have a white spongy layer of cells called velamen. This protects the inner root tissues and absorbs water. These roots will also often dangle free in the atmosphere.
    •Lithophytic Orchids are seen covering the bases and forks of trees or filling crevices in rocks, and absorb a maximum supply of nutrients from decaying mosses.
    •Terrestrial Orchids are seen under the ground, having a symbiotic relation with a special fungus, which in turn supports the orchid with the essential nutrients.

  • Water: Do not over-water

Buddha Bamboo

  • Common Name: Bamboo

  • Family: Poaceae

  • Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamboo

Bamboo Plant

  • Common Name: Bamboo

  • Family: Poaceae

  • Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamboo

Araucaria excelsa

  • Very popular tree which develops a handsome pyramidal shape. Frequently grown as an indoor ornamental plant and sometimes used as a Christmas tree decorated with lights. Araucaria excelsa is the only species sold as s house plant. It is a slow-growing tree. The leaves are spirally arranged and are usually broadly triangular to needle-like.
    Using well draining soil mixture plant at a dept of 1" with the point down. Grow in bright filtered sunlight with high humidity

Anthurium Violet Color

  • Common Name: Anthurium

  • Family: Araceae

  • Light: need a high light, but not direct sunlight

  • Soil: Avoid draughts, and strong temperature fluctuations

  • Water: Do not over-water

Anthurium White

  • Common Name: Anthurium

  • Family: Araceae

  • Light: need a high light, but not direct sunlight

  • Soil: Avoid draughts, and strong temperature fluctuations

  • Water: Do not over-water

Anthurium Orange color

  • Common Name: Anthurium

  • Family: Araceae

  • Light: need a high light, but not direct sunlight

  • Soil: Avoid draughts, and strong temperature fluctuations

  • Water: Do not over-water

Anthurium Double color flower

  • Common Name: Anthurium

  • Family: Araceae

  • Light: need a high light, but not direct sunlight

  • Soil: Avoid draughts, and strong temperature fluctuations

  • Water: Do not over-water

Syngonium Green

  • Common Name: Arrowhead Plant, Hongngu

  • Scientific Name : Syngonium

  • Family : Araceae

  • Facts: Arrowhead plants are such interesting indoor plants t0 have earned several fun common names,
    including arrowhead plants, five-fingers, Nephytis (after the Greek mythological figure Nephthys) and goosefoot.
    Some of the common names refer to the shape of the leaves at different stages of development.
    Grown as houseplants since at least 1881, they are closely related to the philodendron.
    Though the ancestors of these lovely plants from tropical Mexico and central America were mostly plain green,
    there are new varieties with subtle shades of bronze and pink seeming to blush onto the leaf-blade from the region of the stem.
    Syngoniums look great grown alone or can add character to a mixed planting. They even make a good substitute for caladiums in the summer garden.
    Arrowhead plants will spill out of a hanging basket when they are young or climb a pole as they mature.
    When they mature the arrowhead shape of the leaves changes and lobes develop at the base of the leaves.
    The older the plant is, the more lobes the full-sized leaves will have. Because the sap from syngonium is an irritant,
    it will appear on lists of poisonous plants. Flowers are on upright calyxes covered by a green leaf-like spathe

Syngonium Pink

  • Common Name: Arrowhead Plant, Hongngu

  • Scientific Name : Syngonium

  • Family : Araceae

  • Facts: Arrowhead plants are such interesting indoor plants t0 have earned several fun common names,
    including arrowhead plants, five-fingers, Nephytis (after the Greek mythological figure Nephthys) and goosefoot.
    Some of the common names refer to the shape of the leaves at different stages of development.
    Grown as houseplants since at least 1881, they are closely related to the philodendron.
    Though the ancestors of these lovely plants from tropical Mexico and central America were mostly plain green,
    there are new varieties with subtle shades of bronze and pink seeming to blush onto the leaf-blade from the region of the stem.
    Syngoniums look great grown alone or can add character to a mixed planting. They even make a good substitute for caladiums in the summer garden.
    Arrowhead plants will spill out of a hanging basket when they are young or climb a pole as they mature.
    When they mature the arrowhead shape of the leaves changes and lobes develop at the base of the leaves.
    The older the plant is, the more lobes the full-sized leaves will have. Because the sap from syngonium is an irritant,
    it will appear on lists of poisonous plants. Flowers are on upright calyxes covered by a green leaf-like spathe

Ficus elastica

  • Common Name: Ficus elastica

  • Family: Moraceae

  • Facts: Ficus elastica is grown around the world as an ornamental plant,
    outside in frost-free climates from the tropical to the Mediterranean and inside in colder climates as a houseplant.
    Although it is grown in Hawai, the species of fig wasp required to allow it to spread naturally is not present there

Peace lily

  • Common Name: Peace lily, Cobra plant

  • Scientific Name : Spathiphyllum

  • Family : Araceae

  • Facts: Peace Lily, is a very popular indoor houseplant. It is a clump-growing herbaceous perennial which produces white flowers which look like the hood of a cobra.
    Leaves are shiny and glossy, attractive even with no spathes. Peace lilies are sturdy plants with glossy, dark green oval leaves that narrow to a point.
    The leaves rise directly from the soil. The long-lasting flowers start out pale green and slowly turn creamy white as they open.
    Keep the leaves clean with water washes to remove dust and dirt. Peace Lily can attract mites, scales and mealy bugs so cleaning will help keep these pests away. 


  • Common Name: Hydrangea

  • Family: Hydrangeaceae

  • Facts: Shrubs or trees, with opposite leaves and no stipules. The flowers are in clusters and usually perfect,
    but sometimes those at the margins of the clusters are without pistils or stamens and larger than those in the middle;
    the calyx usually with four to ten sepals, and in sterile flowers often conspicuously enlarged; the petals four to ten; the stamens eight to many;
    the ovary wholly or partly inferior; the styles separate or united, sometimes lacking; the fruit a capsule. Many very ornamental garden shrubs,
    such as Deutzia and Hydrangea, are included in this family


  • Scientific Name : Celosia

  • Family : Amaranthaceae

  • Facts: Cockscomb Flower is seen in vibrant yellows, pinks, reds, gold Colors.
    Cockscomb has no fragrance. Cockscomb Flower has 5-14 days of vase life.
    Cockscomb flowers are said to resemble rooster combs or convoluted brains, Celosia argentea 

Water Lily Plant

  • Common Name: Water Lily

  • Family : Nymphaeaceae

  • Facts:
    water lily any of 58 species in 6 genera of freshwater plants native to the temperate and tropical parts of the world.
    Most species of water lilies have rounded, variously notched, waxy-coated leaves on long stalks that contain many air spaces and float in quiet freshwater habitats.
    The stalks arise from thick, fleshy, creeping underwater stems that are buried in the mud. The showy, fragrant,
    solitary flowers are borne at or above the water surface on long stalks that are attached to the underground stems.
    Each cuplike flower has a spiral arrangement of its numerous petals.

Mahogany tree sapling

  • Common Name: Mahogany

  • Family : Meliaceae

  • Facts: They are characterised by alternate, usually pinnate leaves without stipules, and by syncarpous,
    apparently bisexual (but actually mostly cryptically unisexual) flowers borne in panicles, cymes, spikes, or clusters.
    Most species are evergreen, but some are deciduous, either in the dry season or in winter. 

Indian Tree of Heaven

  • Common Name: Indian Tree of Heaven

  • Botanical Name: Ailanthus excelsa

  • Family : Simaroubaceae

  • Facts: They are characterised by alternate, usually pinnate leaves without stipules, and by syncarpous,
    apparently bisexual (but actually mostly cryptically unisexual) flowers borne in panicles, cymes, spikes, or clusters.
    Most species are evergreen, but some are deciduous, either in the dry season or in winter. 

Neem Plant

  • Common Name: Neem

  • Botanical Name: Margosa

  • Family : Meliaceae

  • Facts: Neem is a very attractive, fast growing and evergreen tree.
    It has a straight trunk and the tree can reach a height of 30 metres and more, though 15 to 20 metres is the average.
    The bark is hard, rough and scaly, fissured even in young trees. It's often brown, but in older trees it can be pale or greyish-black.. 

Chilly or Capsicum Plant

  • Common Name: Chilly or Capsicum

  • Family: Solanaceae

Small Brinjal Plant

  • Common Name: Brinjal Plant

  • Family: click quick search

Alpinia zerumbet Variegata

  • Common Name: Shell Ginger, Light galangal, Pink porcelain lily

  • Botanical Name: Alpinia zerumbet 'Variegata'

  • Family: Zingiberaceae

  • Facts: Native to India, Shell ginger is a tall and dramatic landscape or container plant.
    The leaves are about 2 ft long and 6 in across and strikingly variegated with irregular stripes of green and yellow in some varieties.
    The habit is upright and does not require staking as do some other members of the ginger family. The flowers are white, tipped in pink,
    and borne in long pendant arches. In some varieties, there is no pink in the tip. The individual flowers are reminiscent of small seashells,
    which accounts for the common name "shell ginger".Typically, shell ginger grows to about 6 ft, but it can grow up to 12 ft high.

Yucca Plant

  • Scientific Name : Yucca

  • Family : Agavaceae

  • Facts: If you want to grow Yucca tree from seed then it is best to do so indoors.
    Yucca seeds take anything from one month to one year to germinate and are best sown at the end of winter.
    Germinate yucca at 18 to 25 degrees centigrade and grow them indoors for about three years.
    It is best to keep yucca indoors in a safe place but if required in the garden then transplant them
    outdoors a few weeks after the last chance of any frost in the spring.
    Ideally they should be grown in a sunny area that has a poor soil with excellent drainage

African Violet

  • Common Name: African Violet

  • Family: Gesneriaceae

  • Facts: African Violets love the home temperature environment of 650 to 700 at night and 750 or higher for days.
    Quick changes in temperature must be avoided, as well as chilly nights. During the winter months, remove plants from window sills which become cold.
    Cool or cold roots will cause immediate collapse of African violet leaves and petioles