The genus Cryptanthus consists of about 50 terrestrial species commonly called earth stars because of their shape. The plants have low-spreading rosettes of six to 20 leaves. The succulent usually tooth-edged leaves may be spoon-shaped, lance-shaped, or triangular, from three to twelve inches (8-30 cm) in length. Most are in the three- to six-inch (8-15 cm) range. They are usually strongly banded or frosted with gray, white or bronze, and many cultivars have a pink to red background color. The various hybrids show a rainbow of colors, and the most popular cultivars have very elaborate banding with sharp zigzag patterns. The white (sometimes light green or pink) flowers appear in the center and from between the leaves, a few at a time. They are so popular that there is a separate Cryptanthus Society affiliated with The Bromeliad Society.